Please select a year to view the appropriate publications.
2022 | 2016 | 2015 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2003 | 2002 | 1999 | 1998 |
1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1984 |
The Art of Pain: A quantitative color analysis of the self-portraits of Frida Kahlo
Turkheimer et al. (co-author)
Front. Hum. Neurosci., 02 September
Sec. Sensory Neuroscience
Acting out and enactment: An effort at clarity
Neuropsychoanalysis, 24:1, 71-85, DOI: 10.1080/15294145.2022.2053190
Businesses Can be Profitable by Stopping Deforestation 28 March 2016
Photosynthetic Sequestration: One Way to Green Fossil Fuels,
Energy World, March 2016
An Open Letter to the Fossil-Fuel Sector: Save Yourselves by Saving Forests Green, 4 February 2016
How the Fossil Fuel Industry Could Redeem Itself: Save Forests 27 January 2016
The Clean Power Plan: An Industrial Nightmare 5 August 2015
Green Carbon A Natural Response
Petroleum Review July 2010
Ecosystem Marketplace
15 September 2009 Yasunis Means Wont Achieve its Ends
Climate Finance, Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development
Chapter 9, Forest and Land Use Programs Must Be Given Financial Credit
in Any Climate Change Agreement , Ed. Stewart, Kingsbury and Rudyk, New
York University Press, September 2009.
Carbon Markets in Transition
Swiss Derivatives Review, Summer 2009
The London Accord:
Carbon Finance: The Forest Dimension December 2008
Submission to the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee
Forests: the future role of carbon markets in their protection and the timber trade
October 2008
Submission to the Garnaut Climate Change Review on the Design of an Australian Emissions Trading Scheme
Submission to The Eliasch Review Inquiry:
Global Forests and Finance Flows March 2008 (co-author)
Handbook of World Stock, Derivative and Commodity Exchanges 2008
A Survey of Carbon Exchanges
Submission to the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee:
Post-Kyoto, the International Context for Progress on Climate Change March 2008
Submission to the UNFCCC Secretariat
Second Review of the Kyoto Protocol pursuant to its Article 9 March 2008
(contributing author)
Submission to GLOBE Brasilia G8+5 Legislators Forum
Recommendations of the GLOBE Market Mechanisms Working Group February 2008
(contributing author)
Nature s Remedy: Restoring the Forests can fight Global Warming but only if left to Free Markets not Regulators,
TIME magazine, December 2007
Submission to the EU Commission for its review on Economics of Biodiversity Loss
The Importance of Forest Based Carbon Credits for Land Use,
Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Eradication Dec 2007 (co-author)
Consultation on Establishing a Voluntary Code of Best Practice for the Provision of Carbon Offsetting to UK Customers
Submission to Department of for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
International Climate Policy Post-2012
Submission to the House of Commons, UK Parliament EFRA Climate Change post-2012
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Submission to the EU Commission on Review of the EU ETS Directive:
The Need to Lift the Ban on Forest Based Carbon Credits June 2007
Forest Carbon Credits: European Exceptionalism, Point Carbon, May 2007
On the Role of Tropical and Sub-Tropical Forestry in Climate Change and Biodiversity
Submission to Chancellor Merkel of Germany, Chairman of G8
April 2007
The Voluntary Carbon Offset Market Inquiry
Submission to the House of Common Environmental Audit Committee
March 2007
Response to DG Environment Staff’s Working Document:
Impact Assessment on LULUCF and Forest Based Carbon Credits Jan 2007 (co-author)
Comments on the Voluntary Carbon Standard,
to the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), The Climate
Group, the World Economic Forum Global Greenhouse Register (WEF),
November 2006
The Case for Forestry Sequestration,
Environmental Finance, December 2005-January 2006
Environmental Services: The Third Wave of Derivative Products,
June 2005, Swiss Derivatives Review
Evaluating & Implementing Hedge Fund Strategies:
the Experience of Managers and Investors, 3rd Edition, Marketing
Alternative Investments: Law and Regulation in Europe with Ron Lake,
Euromoney October 2003
Capturing Carbon & Conserving Biodiversity:
The Market Approach, with Ian R Swingland and John O Niles , The Royal Society March 2003
Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society:
Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences, with Ian R
Swingland, John Grace, Ghillean T Prance and Lindsay S Saunders, The
Royal Society 15 August 2002
Carbon sinks and emissions trading under the Kyoto Protocol:
A Legal Analysis, with Gilonne DOrigny, The Royal Society 28 June 2002
Taking Liberties with the City,
Sunday Telegraph, June 1999
City in Chains, Securities & Investment Review,
April 1999
AIMA Newsletter,
March/April 1999
Collateral in Euroclear and Cedel:
A Legal Comparison
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law,
September 1998
Marketing Alternative Investment Funds: Law and Regulation,
with Edward Black, Chapter for Alternative Investment Strategies, edited by Sohail Jaffer, March 1998
The International Regulation of Repos,
Chapter for Cross Border Securities: Repo, Lending & Collateralisation, edited by Kathleen Tyson-Quah, November 1997
Margin Trading Friend or Foe?,
Derivatives Use, Trading & Regulation, October 1997
The Psychology of Traders, International Financial Law Review, April 1997
On-Exchange Derivatives Face Comprehensive Global Regulation,
International Financial Law Review, October 1996
Principle to Principal,
Derivatives Column for International Financial Law Review Oil & Gas Law & Taxation Review, May 1996
Swaps & Derivatives Trading: Law and Regulation,
edited by Eric Bettelheim, Helen Parry & William Rees, Longmans, 1996
Commodity Linked Finance,
Euromoney Publications, 1996
Betting the Bank: Barings and its Aftermath,
Oil & Gas Law & Taxation Review, August 1995
Beyond Barings: Breach of Trust,
Managed Derivatives, June 1995
Greetings from Gibson,
Managed Derivatives, March 1995
The Derivatives Dilemna,
Treasury Today Magazine, January 1995
Comment: on tighter regulation of derivatives,
International Financial Law Review, January 1995
Derivatives in Germany,
Managed Derivatives, with Johannes Gäbel, October 1994
Regulation by the Revenue,
Securities & Investment Review, with Edward Black, May 1994
A Brief Guide to Regulation for Managed Futures Funds in the US and Japan,
Chapter for Financial Times report European Managed Futures, by Beverly Chandler, March 1994
Futures Funds Regulation and Distribution,
Chapter for 1994 edition of Futures Fund Management
Futures Trading Law and Regulation,
edited by Helen Parry, Eric Bettelheim & William Rees, Longmans, 1993
Review of "The Transformation of Threadneedle Street"
by James J Fishman, published by Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business, July 1993
Regulation in Perspective,
Chapter for Financial Futures, by Desmond Fitzgerald, 1993
CTA Registration in Europe,
The MFA Reporter, with Edward Black, April 1993
An End to Self-Regulation,
Futures & Options Plus, October 1992
UK Authorised and Unauthorised Funds,
International Fund Management, supplement of Global Investor, with Edward Black, September 1992
Derivative Products: Their Use and Regulation,
International Fund Management, supplement of Global Investor, with Edward Black, September 1992
An open letter to IOSCO delegates,
Global Custodian, September 1992
Legal Aspects of Commodity Derivatives for Commodity Linked Finance,
Euromoney, with Kenneth Raisler, 1992
Sorting Through UK Rules to Find a Fund Audience,
Futures Magazine, with Edward Black, October 1991
Futures Fund Regulation and Distribution,
Futures Fund Management, TASS Asset Management Ltd, Autumn 1991, revised 1993
More on Transnor,
Oil & Gas Law and Taxation Review, with Jerry W Markham, June 1990
The Transnor Decision and its Aftermath ("Futures Shock"),
Oil & Gas Law and Taxation Review, with Jerry W Markham, May 1990
Reconstruction and Regulation since October 19, 1987,
Financial Futures and Options, IFR Publishing 1989
Regulation of Futures Funds,
Futures and Options World, June 1988
Regulating Lookalikes,
International Financial Law Review, February 1988
Institutional Use of Traded Options, Regulation and Taxation,
London Traded Options Market, December 1987
Regulation of Options,
The Chicago Board Options Exchange, Autumn 1987
A Guide to International Regulation, Tax and Accounting,
Futures and Options World, with Arthur Andersen, November/December 1986 and January 1987
Regulating Foreign Options Internationally,
International Financial Law Review, September 1986
An Investors Guide to the Commodity Futures Markets
Butterworths, March 1986
The Financial Services Bill - A Legal Perspective,
The International Commodities Clearing House Quarterly Review, Spring 1986
Obstacles to Transnational Futures Trading,
International Financial Law Review, February 1986
Policing the UK Commodity Markets,
Euromoney, November 1984